Animal Communication

Animal Communication

Most people believe telepathic animal communication can only be done by someone with a “special gift.” I really didn’t have an opinion in the early 90s when I met a Quarter Horse filly foal, who taught me that telepathic animal communication was my life’s purpose.

I learned soon after that telepathic animal communication is something that any person can do. It can be learned. I am living proof of that otherwise how could a left-brained pharmacist become an animal communicator? I believe the “gift” comes into play when it is involved in your purpose for this life. So much was facilitated for me once I committed to my path as an animal communicator & healer.

In the beginning, my left-brained mentality required some explanation of how to answer my and many clients’ questions of, “How do you communicate with all types of animals?” After pondering this for quite a while, I uncovered a plausible explanation using my limited knowledge of physics.

I am clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant meaning I hear what the animal is saying; I feel emotions, personalities, and physical issues; I know things. Using the person’s name and the animal’s name I always ask permission to communicate. Upon receiving permission, the connection is made.

My questions, as thoughts, leave my brain (my TV or radio receiver) in English, which become wave patterns of energy; the physics part. The wave patterns are picked up by the animal’s brain (receiver) and are translated into dog, cat, horse, hawk, deer, whale, mouse, chicken. You get the idea. When they answer the reverse happens; their language becomes energy wave patterns that are converted into English when my brain (receiver) picks them up. Thus enabling me to communicate with any species of animal as long as I have permission. Each of our brains is physiologically identical equipping everyone with the ability to telepathically communicate with animals.

This is just one left-brained pharmacist-turned-animal communicator’s humble opinion. After having communicated with thousands of animals, it has become an everyday occurrence for me. I believe the real magic happens when those that assist me in the spiritual realms make the connection to the proper animal. In all the years and all the animals, I’ve never had a client doubt that I was connected to their animal-friend; never!

So yes, anyone with the desire to communicate with their animals can. It takes determination and practice, but most importantly, belief. It is truly magical and will change your relationship(s) with your animal(s). If you aren’t interested or don’t have time to develop these skills, I’m available to make that connection between you and your animal companion on your behalf. It’s what I’m here to do, and I love it!

animal communication

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